Tuesday, November 18, 2014

S.W.O.T Analysis

S.W.O.T is an acronym that stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Strengths and weaknesses are classified as internal factors whereas opportunities and threats are classified as external factors.

S.W.O.T analysis helps one to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It is commonly used in business field, where they carry out this analysis for a product, a plan or an industry. 

What is this S.W.O.T Analysis for?

A SWOT analysis can be used to:
  • Explore new solutions to problems 
  • Identify barriers that will limit goals/objectives
  • Decide on direction that will be most effective
  • Reveal possibilities and limitations for change
  • To revise plans to best navigate systems, communities, and organizations

How to conduct a S.W.O.T analysis?

Ask yourself:

1. Strengths 
- What do you do well?
- What advantages do you have over your competition?
- Do you have strong skills and developed capabilities?

2. Weaknesses 
- What are the things that you are not good at?
- What are you lacking in yourself?
- What do you need to improve to compete with your strongest competitor?

3. Opportunities 
- What are the good opportunities that you can spot?
- Is there any opportunity beside you that can help you to improve in life?

4. Threats 
- Who are you competitors?
- What obstacles do you face?

I have done my S.W.O.T analysis too!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


1. Personality test

Based on the personality test that I have done, I am an ISFJ person.

a) I found that I am an introvert. I am sometimes too shy to voice out my opinion and hence loses my chance to give my ideas. Furthermore, I will be extremely nervous when I have to speak in front of many people, especially where I don't know anyone. Another problem that I have is when working in a group. Rather than working together, I make an early suggestion to divide up work, do it separately and then combine when everyone has done their parts. I also wanted to change this. However, I actually do not think an extrovert is better. Extroverts are sometimes too noisy and irritating. I find that introverts are sometimes quite cool, don't we? Hence, I am trying to improve myself by talking to more people and become more outspoken, not to transform to an extrovert but to make myself less "introvert". I appreciate I was born to be an introvert, as you may think introverts have lots of disadvantages compared to an extrovert, I would say that don't force yourself too much on what you don't really like, just be yourself! And I will just be ME! :)

b) I sometimes take things too personally and unable to separate personal and impersonal situations. 
>> I try not to put in any feelings into important matters such as club activities and formal events to avoid any conflicts and negative critisms.

c) I often tend to overload myself with lots of work, struggle silently to meet everyone's and my own expectation.
>> I should have learnt not to burden myself too much and accept help from others.

2. SMART Goals

Where am I from my goals? 

a) Achieve 4A* in A Levels 
- Study at least 6 hours per day                                                                 
- Revise handouts and notes every day after lectures
- Do past year papers to enhance my understandings towards every topic
- Discuss with friends problems faced in every subject
- Organise group study during weekends

* Problems: - I tend to procrastinate every day especially after my dinner. I will have low productivity in the afternoon because I will feel very sleepy after half day of lectures. I spent almost 1.5 hours per day to take a nap, where I initially planned only to sleep for 30 minutes. 
* To solve the time management problem, I have come out a timetable that I have to follow closely every day:

Bath, take a short nap
Revise notes and handouts
Pure Mathematics

b) Make more friends and widen my social circle (2/4)
- Get involved in more social activities
- Be more outspoken and friendly
- Take the initiative to make new friends
- Keep in touch with new friends 

* Problems: I am to shy to approach other people during social activities. I find it difficult to chat with others on a common topic. I also find that it isn't easy to keep in touch with new friends, though I do have their facebook account and phone number. We meet at college, we always smile and say "hi" to each other, and that's all! It's not an easy task to make real friends, but not just acquaintances.

c) Travel to many countries 
- List down a few countries that I would like to visit in the next 5 years
- Look for information about the countries that I want to visit, e.g. tourist attractions, transportation, cost living, weather etc.
- Look out for cheap flight tickets offered by budget airlines
- Save money, e.g RM300 per month 

* Problems: I do look up for information about the countries that I wish to visit, e.g Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Australia and Korea. Cheap flight tickets are often offered by budget airlines such as AirAsia, Tiger Airways, Jetstar Airways and Scoot. However, I find that money and time are the crucial factors as well. First, to save money of RM300 every month is just next to impossible, as my pocket money from Bursary is only RM430 per month. Every month I am spending about RM700 to RM800 including food and drinks, groceries, stationery and transportation. I am trying to lower down my expenses but I still find it difficult to save money for each month. I will still need to get pocket money from my parents every month in order to survive. Next, I also find that I don't actually have much time that allows me to travel! Semester is only 29 days away, followed by AS trials, AS exam, A2 trial and then A2 finals. 

* Due to money and time factor, I guess this goal has to be postponed when I finish my A2 examinations.

d) Become a professional photographer
- Own a camera
- Learn how to use the camera to take good photos by watching tutorials online and reading magazines
- Learn from other friends who are professional in photography
- Taking up online photography courses

* Problems: I do own a camera, and that's all I have now. I always want to learn how to take good photos especially when travelling but I always end up with too lazy to do researches. I always treat every vacation as my chance to learn how to take good photos and improve my photography skills, but I think I only improve a little each time. 

* Solution: I decided to use 1 week to find out information about my DSLR (Canon 650D) and all its manual functions (ISO, shutter speed, manual focus etc) before I leave for Australia for my vacation. I will also watch some online tutorials in order to improve my shooting skills. 

e) Get into good university (1/2)
- List down a few universities that I aim to go into
- Study hard to get good results

* Problems: Till now, I still have not decided on what course should I take up in university. Accounting? Biotechnology? Engineering? I have no specific direction to go to, though I should have one now. 

* Solution: I am currently still looking for information about the courses that I might be interested in. I will also seek help from the counselors in Taylor's College and my seniors to give me some advice. I hope that I can decide on future career soon and hence determine which university that I am aiming to get into.

Although I am still far away from my goals, I will continue my hard work, especially on my studies (because semester exam is just a month away) in order to achieve big goals in my life.

3. VAK
As I am a Visual and Kinesthetic learner, I found out that some learning styles that I can use are:

1. Jot down plenty of content in handouts to reread after lectures.
2. Emphasise key points by highlighting them when taking notes.
3. Draw pictures in the margin of paper to understand something in the notes better.
4. Play suitable music when studying.
5. Give frequent stretch breaks to refresh my mind.
6. Make models or role play to physically experience learning. 

However, I realise that there are some other things that I should keep them away from when I am studying, which are my phone and television as they will distract me from concentrating in my studies. Furthermore, I also note that I only can listen to music when I am revising Mathematics, but not for other subjects such as Biology, Chemistry and Physics that require high attention and concentration. Next, I also find out that watching some videos related to the topic that I am studying can help to enhance my memory towards the knowledge. 

TGC - Taylor's Graduate Capabilities

As what I have mentioned in my title, I would like to share about TGC, which is Taylor's Graduate Capabilities. What is TGC? What are the importance of TGC to all Taylor's students?

And all the information below I have gotten them from Taylor's Handbook 2013 (https://portals.taylors.edu.my/bpmapp-upload/download/fstore/0a6349170e5e237b_-224e4c68_13c63dc8365_7e96?fileKey=/fstore/0a6349170e5e237b_-224e4c68_13c63dc8365_7e96/Taylor%27s%20Student%20Handbook%202013%20%28TCSJ%29-%20General%20Information.pdf)


The teaching and learning approach at Taylor’s College is focused on developing the Taylor’s 
Graduate Capabilities (TGC) in its students; capabilities that encompass the knowledge, cognitive 
capabilities and soft skills of our graduates.

Importance of TGC:  to ensure that Taylor’s graduates are capable in the following areas :

 Has a sound understanding of foundational concepts and theories in subject area.

 Foundations and skills for lifelong learning - Learns autonomously; is able to acquire and 
manage information, comprehends a wide variety of literature and has an awareness of 
contemporary global issues.

 Problem-solving skills - Defines issues or problems well; analyses problems comprehensively; 
applies knowledge effectively and applies theory to practice; is able to think critically and 
arrive at workable and effective solutions.

 Communication skills – Speaks and writes well; is able to organize, synthesize and present 
information effectively

 Interpersonal skills - Understands team dynamics, the power of teams and teamwork; Works 
with others in a team; is able to assume leadership in small and/or big groups

 Intrapersonal skills - Manages time effectively; Understands the role of personal image and 
professionalism at work; Works independently in context of tasks to be completed

 Cosmopolitan thinking and intercultural competence – Forms opinions and articulates views 
from a global perspective; Has an awareness of and sensitivity to cross-cultural differences;

 Technology savvy – Competent in executive keyboarding; effectively uses ICT and related technologies,

So where am I now?

1. Discipline-specific knowledge

- I understand what lecturers taught in class and able to attempt past year questions based on the knowledge I have gained.

2. Cognitive capabilities

- I am training myself not to rely too much on the lectures and notes only, but to read up more information and look up for videos and diagrams online in order to enhance my understanding towards the topic.
- I am also adjusting myself to think critically to solve the questions rather than waiting for the lecturers to give answers and explanations. 

3. Soft skills

- My class is having presentations, discussion groups and Jigsaw Learning Style especially during Chemistry lessons. I was given chances to speak up in front of my classmates and present my information correctly to my classmates.
- I take part in many social activities organised by clubs such as WACKY and Leo Club. I have visited the orphanges three weeks ago and learnt to communicate with kids. I also helped in organising Leo Club's Installation Day and I have learnt how important teamwork is in order to put an event into success.

Frankly, I think I am still on my way gaining the skills and knowledge listed above. I will try my best to achieve all the capabilities that I should have on me when I graduate from Taylor's College next year! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

VAK Learning Style

Different people have different learning styles. Basically, we can classified it into three major groups, which is known as V,A,K. 
So, what is V,A,K? 
1. Visual Learners
-like to learn through written language, such as reading and writing tasks
-remember what has been written down
-do better with charts, demonstrations, videos, and other visual materials
-easily visualize faces and places by using their imagination and seldom get lost in new surroundings

2. Auditory Learners
-often talk to themselves
-move their lips and read out loud
-do better talking to a colleague or a tape recorder and hearing what was said

3.Kinesthetic Learners
-do best while touching and moving
-tend to lose concentration if there is little or no external stimulation or movement
-When listening to lectures they may want to take notes for the sake of moving their hands
-When reading, they like to scan the material and get the big picture first, and then focus in on the details
-They typically use color high lighters and take notes by drawing pictures, diagrams, or doodling

I always thought that I am a visual learner, until I have done this VAK Learning Style Test provided by Bussiness Balls.com (http://www.businessballs.com/vaklearningstylestest.htm).
Below is the test that I have done and my learning style:

VAK Learning Styles Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Circle or tick the answer that most represents how you generally behave.
(It’s best to complete the questionnaire before reading the accompanying explanation.)
1. When I operate new equipment I generally:
a)    read the instructions first
b)    listen to an explanation from someone who has used it before
c)     go ahead and have a go, I can figure it out as I use it

2. When I need directions for travelling I usually:
a)    look at a map
b)    ask for spoken directions
c)     follow my nose and maybe use a compass

3. When I cook a new dish, I like to:
a)    follow a written recipe
b)    call a friend for an explanation
c)     follow my instincts, testing as I cook

4. If I am teaching someone something new, I tend to:
a)    write instructions down for them
b)    give them a verbal explanation
c)     demonstrate first and then let them have a go

5. I tend to say:
a)    watch how I do it
b)    listen to me explain
c)     you have a go

6. During my free time I most enjoy:
a)    going to museums and galleries
b)    listening to music and talking to my friends
c)     playing sport or doing DIY

7. When I go shopping for clothes, I tend to:
a)    imagine what they would look like on
b)    discuss them with the shop staff
c)     try them on and test them out

8. When I am choosing a holiday I usually:
a)    read lots of brochures
b)    listen to recommendations from friends
c)     imagine what it would be like to be there

9. If I was buying a new car, I would:
a)    read reviews in newspapers and magazines
b)    discuss what I need with my friends
c)     test-drive lots of different types

10. When I am learning a new skill, I am most comfortable:
a)    watching what the teacher is doing
b)    talking through with the teacher exactly what I’m supposed to do
c)     giving it a try myself and work it out as I go

11. If I am choosing food off a menu, I tend to:
a)    imagine what the food will look like
b)    talk through the options in my head or with my partner
c)     imagine what the food will taste like

12. When I listen to a band, I can’t help:
a)    watching the band members and other people in the audience
b)    listening to the lyrics and the beats
c)     moving in time with the music

13. When I concentrate, I most often:
a)    focus on the words or the pictures in front of me
b)    discuss the problem and the possible solutions in my head
c)     move around a lot, fiddle with pens and pencils and touch things

14. I choose household furnishings because I like:
a)    their colours and how they look
b)    the descriptions the sales-people give me
c)     their textures and what it feels like to touch them

15. My first memory is of:
a)    looking at something
b)    being spoken to
c)     doing something

16. When I am anxious, I:
a)    visualise the worst-case scenarios
b)    talk over in my head what worries me most
c)     can’t sit still, fiddle and move around constantly

17. I feel especially connected to other people because of:
a)    how they look
b)    what they say to me
c)     how they make me feel

18. When I have to revise for an exam, I generally:
a)    write lots of revision notes and diagrams
b)    talk over my notes, alone or with other people
c)     imagine making the movement or creating the formula

19. If I am explaining to someone I tend to:
a)    show them what I mean
b)    explain to them in different ways until they understand
c)     encourage them to try and talk them through my idea as they do it

20. I really love:
a)    watching films, photography, looking at art or people watching
b)    listening to music, the radio or talking to friends
c)     taking part in sporting activities, eating fine foods and wines or dancing

21. Most of my free time is spent:
a)    watching television
b)    talking to friends
c)     doing physical activity or making things

22. When I first contact a new person, I usually:
a)    arrange a face to face meeting
b)    talk to them on the telephone
c)     try to get together whilst doing something else, such as an activity or a meal

23. I first notice how people:
a)    look and dress
b)    sound and speak
c)     stand and move

24. If I am angry, I tend to:
a)    keep replaying in my mind what it is that has upset me
b)    raise my voice and tell people how I feel
c)     stamp about, slam doors and physically demonstrate my anger

25. I find it easiest to remember:
a)    faces
b)    names
c)     things I have done

26. I think that you can tell if someone is lying if:
a)    they avoid looking at you
b)    their voices changes
c)     they give me funny vibes

27. When I meet an old friend:
a)    I say “it’s great to see you!”
b)    I say “it’s great to hear from you!”
c)     I give them a hug or a handshake

28. I remember things best by:
a)    writing notes or keeping printed details
b)    saying them aloud or repeating words and key points in my head
c)     doing and practising the activity or imagining it being done

29. If I have to complain about faulty goods, I am most comfortable:
a)    writing a letter
b)    complaining over the phone
c)     taking the item back to the store or posting it to head office

30. I tend to say:
a)    I see what you mean
b)    I hear what you are saying
c)     I know how you feel
Now add up how many A’s, B’s and C’s you selected.
A’s = 15                                    B’s = 2                                      C’s = 13

After the test, I finally realised that my learning style is a mixture of Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Style.

VAK Learning Styles Explanation

The VAK learning styles model suggests that most people can be divided into one of three preferred styles of learning. These three styles are as follows, (and there is no right or wrong learning style):
  • Someone with a Visual learning style has a preference for seen or observed things, including pictures, diagrams, demonstrations, displays, handouts, films, flip-chart, etc. These people will use phrases such as ‘show me’, ‘let’s have a look at that’ and will be best able to perform a new task after reading the instructions or watching someone else do it first. These are the people who will work from lists and written directions and instructions.
  • Someone with an Auditory learning style has a preference for the transfer of information through listening: to the spoken word, of self or others, of sounds and noises. These people will use phrases such as ‘tell me’, ‘let’s talk it over’ and will be best able to perform a new task after listening to instructions from an expert. These are the people who are happy being given spoken instructions over the telephone, and can remember all the words to songs that they hear!
  • Someone with a Kinaesthetic learning style has a preference for physical experience - touching, feeling, holding, doing, practical hands-on experiences. These people will use phrases such as ‘let me try’, ‘how do you feel?’ and will be best able to perform a new task by going ahead and trying it out, learning as they go. These are the people who like to experiment, hands-on, and never look at the instructions first!

Hence, I have found out that I can practise a few learning habits in order to improve and enhance my learning abilities: 1. Jot down plenty of content in handouts to reread after lectures.2. Emphasise key points by highlighting them when taking notes.3. Draw pictures in the margin of paper to understand something in the notes better.4. Play suitable music when studying.5. Give frequent stretch breaks to refresh my mind.6. Make models or role play to physically experience learning

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Set SMART Goals

The method of SMART goals (an acronym for the 5 steps of Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals) is one of the most effective tools used by high achievers to reach their goals — realistically and consistently.

1. Be specific

>> Set your own goal
>> Ask yourself:
                   -What do I want to accomplish?
                   -Where will this happen?
                   -When will this happen?
                   -Why am I setting this goal?
                   -Who is involved?

2. Measurable 

>> Have a concrete set of criteria for measuring progress
>> Set a daily reminder to track and measure your progress
>> Set a few small goals to be achieved in a period of time in order to progress and achieve your main goal

3. Attainable

>> Make your goal attainable
>> Draft realistic goals that are attainable in the present

4. Relevant
>> Make your goal relevant to your life's reality
>> Set a goal that you have a realistic chance of achieving

5. Time-bound

>> Ground the goal within a time frame
>> Smart goals should always have a deadline/ date of completion
>> The deadline will reinforce the seriousness of the goal in your mind and motivate you to take action
>> Within your established time frame, ask yourself:
  • What can I do TODAY to reach my goal?
  • What can I do 3 weeks from now to reach my goal?
  • What can I do 3 months from now to reach my goal?

My goals: a) Achieve 4A* in A Levels
                 b) Make more friends and widen my social circle
                 c) Travel to many countries, as many as I can
                 d) Become a professional photographer
                 e) Get into a good university

To achieve my goals, I have planned a few small goals for a shorter time frame in order to achieve my big goals.

a) Archieve 4A* in A Levels
- Study at least 6 hours per day
- Revise handouts and notes every day after lectures
- Do past year papers to enhance my understandings towards every topic
- Discuss with friends problems faced in every subject
- Organise group study during weekends

b) Make more friends and widen my social circle
- Get involved in more social activities
- Be more outspoken and friendly
- Take the initiative to make new friends
- Keep in touch with new friends 

c) Travel to many countries
- List down a few countries that I would like to visit in the next 5 years
- Look for information about the countries that I want to visit, e.g. tourist attractions, transportation, cost living, weather etc.
- Look out for cheap flight tickets offered by budget airlines
- Save money, e.g RM300 per month 

d) Become a professional photographer
- Own a camera
- Learn how to use the camera to take good photos by watching tutorials online and reading magazines
- Learn from other friends who are professional in photography
- Taking up online photography courses

e) Get into good university
- List down a few universities that I aim to go into
- Study hard to get good results

In order to achieve my goals, I have to follow these steps closely with great determination. Join me and set your goals now!